Dental Implants

Implants in Lawton Oklahoma

Dental Implants

Dental implants are a popular treatment option for patients with missing teeth, or teeth that have had to be pulled. The implant not only provides a stable foundation, it helps ensure artificial teeth that look, feel, and function like natural teeth.

The implant itself is a small titanium post that is surgically placed into the jawbone in the space where the missing tooth used to be.

Over the next few months, it will heal and integrate with the jawbone, through a process known as osseointegration. Once this has occured, a connector called an abutment is attached to the implant, and a dental crown or bridge is attached to the abutment.

When should I see my Oral Surgeon?
The dental implant process requires a high level of skill and precision, and is typically performed by an oral surgeon. We will evaluate your oral health and bone structure to determine if you are a good candidate for procedure and may take x-rays or 3D images to assess the condition of jawbone and surrounding teeth.
We can also answer any questions you may have about surgery, like the use of local anesthesia or options involving sedation.



Dental implant surgery is a procedure that replaces tooth roots with metal, screwlike posts and replaces damaged or missing teeth with artificial teeth that look and function much like real ones. Dental implant surgery can offer a welcome alternative to dentures or bridgework that doesn’t fit well and can offer an option when a lack of natural teeth roots do not allow building denture or bridgework tooth replacements.

How dental implant surgery is performed depends on the type of implant and the condition of your jawbone. Dental implant surgery may involve several procedures. The major benefit of implants is solid support for your new teeth — a process that requires the bone to heal tightly around the implant. Because this bone healing requires time, the process can take many months.

  • Initial Consultation – Before scheduling your first surgery, Southwest Oral Surgery will arrange an initial consultation. We will ask you about your medical history and examine your mouth and teeth to ensure you are a candidate for dental implants.

  • Dental Implant Surgery – Once you have completed any necessary medical procedures, we will schedule your dental implant surgery.

  • Osseointegration – After your dental implant surgery, you’ll need to wait for a process called osseointegration to finish before proceeding to the next step. The dental implants will fuse to the jaw, becoming integrated into the bone over the next several months.

    This process is critical because it allows the dental implants to support your artificial tooth for a lifetime. It also strengthens your jawbone and supports your facial structure.

*If your general Dentist places their own Abutments and Crowns, you will be released back to them after the implant has been fully integrated. (This takes approximately 3 months after the implant is placed)


  • Impressions – If your general dentist requests that we place the custom abutment you will return to our office for impressions. Impressions of your mouth are taken and sent to the lab to have a custom abutment made. This process takes approximately 4 weeks.

  • Abutment Placement – Once we reive your Abutment back from the lab we will call to schedule your appointment to have your Abutment Placed. In some cases this appointment will be coordinated with your general dentist.

  • Crown Placement – Once your abutment is placed you will be released back to your general dentist to have the crown made. (** THE COST OF THE CROWN WILL BE A SEPARATE CHARGE AND YOU WILL NEED TO DISCUSS FINANCES WITH YOUR GENERAL DENTIST REGARDING CROWN PLACEMENT)

Except for the few weeks following the dental implant procedure, you won’t need to use any additional cleaning methods for your dental implants. Schedule regular dental appointments for cleaning and checkups, and brush and floss your teeth twice daily.
If you play contact sports, you may want to consider a mouthguard to protect your dental implant from damage. 

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